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1) What technology powers Ant-Man's suit?

Pym Particles were initially created in the 1960s by scientist Hank Pym, who aided the intelligence organization S.H.I.E.L.D. by harnessing the technology using a custom suit to become a field agent, alongside his wife Janet van Dyne.

2) Where does Scott Lang serve his three-year prison sentence?

Scott's desire to right wrongs was the motivation for his illegal activities, yet his love for his daughter, Cassie, makes him determined to go straight upon his release from San Quentin State Prison.

3) What happened to Luis while Scott was in jail?

SCOTT: Hey how's your girl, man?
LUIS: Oh, she left me.
LUIS: Yeah, my ma died too. And my dad got deported. But I got the van!
SCOTT: Nice.

4) Where does Scott get a job after his release from San Quentin?

Adopting the fake identity of "Jack", he obtains a job at a Baskin-Robbins in San Francisco until his boss discovers his criminal past and fires him on the spot. Baskin-Robbins don't play.

5) Who took over Hank Pym's company?

After Hank was voted out as CEO of Pym Technologies (with his daughter Hope casting the deciding vote), Darren Cross became the new CEO and rebranded the company Cross Technologies.

6) What does Darren Cross call his weaponized version of the Ant-Man suit?

The Yellowjacket suit was designed to maximize the military applications of Pym's technology.

7) What does Scott give his daughter for her birthday?

Scott presents Cassie with a hideous stuffed rabbit. "He's so ugly!" she exclaims. "I love him!"

8) What kind of safe does Hank have?

It's a Carbondale, made in 1910 from the same steel as the Titanic.

9) What does Scott find in Hank's safe?

He finds the Ant-Man suit, which he mistakes for an old motorcycle suit. He takes it anyway, curious why anyone would bother to lock it up.

10) What animal does Cross unsuccessfully shrink?

Cross uses lambs as test subjects, despite promising Hope that he would be using rats. The experiments continue to be a failure, however, with each shot of Pym Particles reducing the lambs to tiny blobs of jelly.