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11) What convinces Rosie to sleep with Bond?

At first, Rosie insists they sleep in separate beds, but when she finds a bloody voodoo hat on her bed, she begs James not to leave her alone. "All right, darling," he says, "if you insist."

12) Who shares Bond's "hairbrush"?

Bond introduces Quarrel Junior to Rosie as "the man who shares my hairbrush." He is referring, of course, to a generic hairbrush modified by Q to house a compact radio transmitter. Upon arriving at his San Monique hotel, Bond meant to contact Quarrel Jr. via the device's radio, but discovering his room to be bugged he opts instead for morse code.

13) What does Bond use to infiltrate Kananga's fortress?

Bond has a parasail that attaches to the back of Quarrel Junior's fishing boat. When the moment is right Bond detaches and flies though the night sky making his way onto the island.

14) What do Bond and Solitaire steal to escape from Kananga's men?

Kanganga's men laugh when Bond tries to escape in a double-decker bus, and he does decapitate the upper deck when they go underneath a low bridge, but in the end it works just fine.

15) What is Kananga hiding in Voodoo Land?

SOLITAIRE: He'll be looking for me now. I know he'll never stop.
BOND: Come on, darling. It's all over. Voodoo land was just poppy fields. A simple matter of heroin smuggling. I'll have a word with a man named Felix, turn the case over to him, and you and I will be off.

16) What cocktail does CIA agent Felix Leiter suggest for Bond at the Fillet of Soul bar?

Bond almost tries a Sazerac but is captured by Mr. Big before sipping New Orleans's signature cocktail.

17) What does Kananga plan to do with his heroin?

KANANGA: When entering into a fiercely competitive field, one finds it advisable to give away free samples. Man or woman, black or white. I don't discriminate.
BOND: Two tons of heroin with a street value well over a billion dollars nationally distributed free? That should make a certain group of families rather angry, wouldn't you say?
KANANGA: Angry? Why, my dear Mr Bond, it'll positively drive them out of their minds. And subsequently out of the business.
BOND: Quite Ingenious.

18) What is the name of the crocodile that ate Tee Hee's hand?

Tee Hee's hand was bitten off by a crocodile named "Albert".

19) How does Bond escape the crocodile trap?

When he is left on a tiny island surrounded by crocodiles, Bond tries to attract a metallic canoe with his magnet watch, but the boat is tied up, so he waits for the crocodiles to line up and runs across their backs.

20) What is the name of the sheriff that tries to arrest Bond and Mr. Big's henchmen?

Lacking the resources to keep up with Bond, sheriff J.W. Pepper attempts to enlist the help of his brother-in-law, Billy-Bob, who apparently owns the fastest boat on the river.