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1) At the beginning of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens, what group has risen in the ashes of the Empire?

The First Order, a military junta of the Galactic Empire, and Knights of Ren, successor to the Sith Order, is seizing control of the galaxy.

2) Who is the First Order hunting at the beginning of the film?

Having already destroyed the New Jedi Order, they are now scouring the galaxy to find and destroy Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi.

3) Who does Leia send to Jakku to investigate Luke's whereabouts?

Leia sends Resistance pilot Poe Dameron on a secret mission to meet with local village elder Lor San Tekka, who has obtained a map to Luke's location. During the meeting, First Order stormtroopers under the command of Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma attack the village, and Poe is captured.

4) Who does Poe give the map to before he is captured?

Poe and his astromech droid BB-8 attempt to flee in their T-70 X-wing starfighter, but a pair of stormtroopers disable the engines. With no alternative, Poe gives the map to BB-8 and orders the BB unit to flee.

5) On Jakku, Rey earns a living as a ______.

When we first meet Rey, she is scavenging through an Imperial Star Destroyer, gathering salvage which she trades to Unkar Plutt at the Niima Outpost for a quarter portion of some barely edible foodstuff.

6) What abandoned vehicle does Rey live in?

Rey has made a unique home for herself inside a downed AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) near the outskirts of the Graveyard of Ships.

7) How many portions does Unkar Plutt offer Rey for BB-8?

The junk boss offers to buy BB-8 for sixty food portions. When Rey declines his offer, Plutt sends two thugs to steal the BB unit.

8) Which Stormtrooper helps Poe escape from the Finalizer?

Horrified by the massacre at Jakku, FN-2187 frees Poe from his cell, and the two steal a TIE fighter to escape. Not content with calling a man a number, Poe names the trooper "Finn", from the FN in his name.

9) Which of Poe's belongings does Finn take from the TIE fighter wreckage?

Finn claims the jacket when he can find no other sign of Poe, whom he assumes was killed in the crash.

10) What ship do Rey and Finn steal to escape the stormstroopers on Jakku?

Finn suggests the Millennium Falcon, but Rey says, "That ship is garbage." After TIE fighters destroy the only other option, however, she changes her tune: "The garbage will do."