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11) Who convinces Luke to train Rey?

Luke refuses to train Rey until R2-D2 plays back the old hologram message from his sister Leia begging Obi-Wan for help. Leia's message causes Luke to reconsider, and he agrees to give Rey three lessons.

12) Who takes Leia's place as commander of the Republic fleet?

The chain of command falls to Vice Admiral Holdo of the cruiser Ninka. Poe questions her decision to continue straight ahead as fuel reserves dwindle, but she isn't concerned with his reservations, ordering the "reckless fly-boy" to stick to his post and follow orders.

13) What color is Vice Admiral Holdo's hair?

Holdo sports purple hair and wears frivolous gowns, despite being a military officer--her little rebellion against the customary neutral tones popular among her fellow Galalentians.

14) Where are Rose and Finn supposed to find the Master Codebreaker?

Maz Kanata directs them to the casino in Canto Bight, the capital city on the planet Cantonica, where they will find the Master Code Breaker with a red plom bloom on his lapel, rolling at a high stakes table.

15) What creatures can be found on the racetracks of Canto Bight?

Fathiers can run at great speeds (up to 75 kilometers per hour) and the wealthy inhabitants of Cantonica often use them as mounts or race them for sport.

16) According to Luke, what is the legacy of the Jedi?

LUKE: Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified. Strip away the myth and look at their deeds, and the legacy of the Jedi is failure, hypocrisy, hubris.
REY: That's not true.
LUKE: At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader.
REY: And a Jedi who saved him.

17) Why are Rose and Finn arrested on Canto Bight?

BB-8 spots the Master Codebreaker, but before Rose and Finn can make contact, they are stunned by Canto Bight security officers and arrested for illegally parking on the beach.

18) Who breaks Rose and Finn out of jail?

In their prison cell, Finn and Rose encounter the slicer DJ, who offers to help them disable the First Order's hyperspace tracker for the right price. At first they decline his offer, doubting his competence, but he surprises them by easily picking the lock on the cell door.

19) What does BB-8 shoot a prison guard with?

Mistaking him for some kind of slot machine, casino guests stuff BB-8 full of casino tokens, which he later shoots at the startled guard.

20) Who does Rey see in the Sith hole on Ahch-To?

Sensing the call of the dark side, Rey travels to a cavern beneath the island where the dark side is powerful and experiences a vision while touching a reflective rock wall, asking to see her parents but seeing only her own reflection.