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11) How many gills do sharks have on each side?

Sharks have five to seven gill slits on each side of their head.

12) Which shark is sometimes called a "living fossil"?

The goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is the only extant representative of the family Mitsukurinidae, a lineage some 125 million years old.

13) Which shark has been found in the deepest water?

The Portuguese dogfish has been reported at depths of 150 m (490 ft) to 3,675 m (12,057 ft) from the lower continental slope to the abyssal plain, making it the deepest-living shark known.

14) What is the largest shark species?

At 40 feet long, the whale shark can weigh as much as 13 tons, which is the same as two African elephants!

15) How many pups can the blue shark have in one litter?

Litters of up to 135 pups have been reported. That's a lot of mouths to feed!

16) How many species of sharks are there?

There are over 400 species of sharks, from the 8-inch-long dwarf lanternshark to the 40-foot-long whale shark.

17) How do male sharks let females know they're interested in mating?

Male sharks have to bite the head, gill or pectoral fin region of the female in order to mate. Not only that, they also have to hold on for several minutes, leaving female sharks with scars after mating season.

18) What percent of great white shark attacks are on men?

93% of unprovoked great white shark attacks are on males and 5% on females, while the sex of the remaining 2% of victims cannot be determined. Why do great whites prefer gentleman? Probably because they're more likely to do stupid things!

19) How long have sharks existed?

Sharks are older than trees. The earliest species that can reasonably be classified as a tree, the now-extinct Archaeopteris, lived around 350 million years ago. But Sharks? They laugh at trees. They've been around for 400 million years, skirting four global mass extinctions along the way.

20) What is the bite force of a great white shark (in pounds per square inch)?

It has been estimated that the bite force of great white shark is up to 4,000 PSI. For comparison, a tiger generates around 1,000 PSI of bite force.