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1) "D'oh!"

Homer embodies many American working class stereotypes: he is crude, obese, incompetent, lazy, clumsy, dim-witted, hot-tempered, childish and addicted to alcohol, junk food and watching television.

2) "You rang?"

Lurch, the Addams Family's 6 ft. 9 in. manservant, is sometimes seen carrying a feather duster. He is close friends with the disembodied hand Thing.

3) "That's what she said."

Regional Manager of the Scranton branch of paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin, Michael Scott might possibly be the world's worst boss due to his insensitivity and inappropriate workplace behavior.

4) "Up your nose with a rubber hose."

The "unofficial official" leader and resident heartthrob of the Sweathogs, Vinnie is famous for singing his own name to the tune of "Barbara Ann" and dancing around in celebration of the coolest, greatest guy he knows: himself.

5) "I know nothing!"

Instead of reporting any suspicious activity to Kommandant Wilhelm Klink. Sgt. Schultz would often announce either "I know nothing!", "I see nothing!" or "I hear nothing!" At other times, he would allow himself to be bribed with Corporal LeBeau's excellent cuisine or items from the prisoners' Red Cross packages.

6) "Missed it by that much."

Although he wasn't a big success at spy school, failing Torture three straight years, Maxwell Smart (also known as agent 86) eventually became CONTROL's top spy. He joined the agency to "fight the forces of evil and serve on the side of niceness." Besides, he needed the money.

7) "Well, isn't that special?"

Enid Strict, better known as The Church Lady, was a recurring character from a series of sketches on Saturday Night Live. a spoof of "holier-than-thou" Christian churchgoers, she was known for the catchphrases, "Well, isn't that SPECIAL?!" and "Could it be ... SATAN?"

8) "Here's ... Johnny!"

McMahon and Johnny Carson began their association on the ABC game show Who Do You Trust?, but McMahon made himself a household name as Carson's sidekick, announcer and second banana on NBC's The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

9) "Nanu-nanu."

Mork, an extraterrestrial from the planet Ork, was known for the Orkan greeting "Na-Nu Na-Nu." Also for "Shazbot", Mork's Orkan profanity of choice.

10) "Wocka, wocka."

Fozzy Bear debuted on The Muppet Show as the show's stand-up comic who constantly employs the catchphrase, "Wocka Wocka Wocka!" Shortly after telling a joke, he is usually ridiculed from balcony by hecklers Statler and Waldorf.