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1) Where did Hamilton spend his childhood?

As Aaron Burr sings in the opening number of the musical, Hamilton was "dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by Providence."

2) How old was Alexander when his father left?

"When he was 10, his father split
Full of it, debt-ridden"

3) Who does Alexander meet first upon arriving in New York?

In New York, an overly enthusiastic Hamilton seeks out Aaron Burr for advice.

4) Burr advises Hamilton to talk less and ______ more.

BURR: While we're talking, let me offer you some free advice. Talk less.
BURR: Smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.

5) In "My Shot", Hamilton sings that he is "young, scrappy, and _____."

"Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy, and hungry
And I'm not throwing away my shot!"

6) Who sings "Raise a glass to freedom"?

Hamilton bonds with three fellow revolutionaries: John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and the Marquis de Lafayette, and the four of them raise a glass to freedom in "The Story of Tonight".

7) How many daughters does Philip Schuyler have?

In "The Schuyler Sisters", Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy wander the streets of New York, excited by the spirit of revolution in the air.

8) Who is the first to hit on Angelica?

Aaron Burr approaches Angelica first, noting that her perfume smells like her daddy's got money, but she blows him off.

9) King George III says that he will send a fully-armed battalion to remind the colonists of ________.

GEORGE III: Oceans rise, empire fall
We have seen each other through it all
And when push comes to shove
I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love

10) Angelica strikes Alexander as a woman who's never been _______.

HAMILTON: You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied.
ANGELICA: I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself.
HAMILTON: You're like me, I'm never satisfied.